Pensioners who live abroad are required to submit a so-called Lebensbestätigung (“proof of life”) in order to receive payment of pension benefits. This “proof of life” confirms that the pensioner applying for pension benefits was alive at the time the proof of life was issued as far as the Austrian Diplomatic representation could verify.
The Pensionsversicherungsanstalt (Austrian Pension Insurance Institute, PVA) requires pensioners to submit their “proof of life” once a year, sending out the necessary form every year in January. This form must be returned to the PVA without undue delay, signed by the pensioner and validated by the nearest diplomatic representation. If the PVA does not receive the completed form by June, pension payments are temporarily suspended.
Pensioners who have not received the form by the end of February may print it out from the PVA website and send it to the PVA after validation by the nearest diplomatic representation. Pensioners are furthermore required to inform the PVA within two weeks of any change of address or other change in circumstances that are of relevance for their entitlement to pension benefits.